Looks like someplace you could work in…

Let’s go back in time to September of 2007, when the office looked like this:

office before

Mmmm, stained wood floors, walls and trim painted a dirty white, and some very ugly and uneven shelves on the walls.

By October the floors at least had had a makeover:

floors finished

Then it was just a couple of weeks ago that the walls got primed:


And the first of approximately seven coats of blue paint were put on the walls:


And here we are today, three and a half years after I bought the house, and five months after I decided the office should be up here. It’s still not completely finished, but at least now it looks like someplace you could work…


Complete with the “I’ve been working in here” mess, already on the desk!

5 Responses

  1. Looks much better! 🙂 I like the color you picked, especially with those awesome big, base boards!! Great contrast.

  2. wow, I love the color of the floor. what stain did you use? I have a similar wall color in the bathroom. how did you get the nice line between the wall and the white ceiling? Blue tape?

  3. Gorgeous , as usual! I’ll have to admit, the blue kinda scared me at first but, as with any of my own painting projects, once its done it looks GREAT! The room even looks bigger! The floors are phenomenal. Wanna come over and do mine?? 🙂

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I'm not interested in a mediocre life. I'm here to kick ass or die.

(formerly DIYdiva.net)