Subtle Taupe?

First off, thank you to everyone who commented yesterday with sympathy (we’ve all been there), suggestions, links, and offers to literally go to a distributor and find the tile for me. I ordered at least four more tile samples, and ironically, the box of 4×4 handmade tiles I ordered last week (before I was mentally stable enough to talk about this experience) showed up today.

Yesterday I was conviced this was absolutely the wrong color, but seeing it all laid out, I think it might just have the subtle taupe I’m going for.

The two other pieces I’ve picked out (and purchased) for the full bath are this rustic mirror, and  a bigger version of this capiz shell light that I used in my old basement bathroom.

It’s a little bit grayer than this in real life, which I think means I can safely use a light gray grout. So, what do you think… is my great tile search over?

8 Responses

  1. Agreed, since you have more samples coming, it’s best to wait. LOVELOVELOVE that mirror choice!!! And the contrast with the light fixture—wonderful! Am a new reader and really enjoy your work, thanks for sharing!

  2. I love the mirror it is astonishing … I think the color is perfect – in fact it’s a pretty close match. I love the rectangular shape though, at least I’m partial to it – it almost mimics the shape of the mirror. It will be gorgeous no matter what. Deep breathes are always good.

  3. I agree wait until you get more samples. I like the color but I really think the subway shape would be a better. I came across another inspiration pic showing some different patterns you can do with taupe subway tile:

    Oh and I adore that mirror! That will work perfectly in that room!

  4. Dear Tile Obsessed:

    If you are desperate and you find a distributor in the Denver area let me know. Perhaps I can be your hands.

  5. I love the tile! Really can’t see the variation in the picture, but they do look nice. The mirror rocks!

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