Country Mornings

Never enough time

On a crisp country morning

To just enjoy life


I’m too busy writing meaningless haiku’s.


And sympathizing with spiders.


We all wake up with things to build these days.

(Today I’m working on framing in a shower, what about you?)

6 Responses

  1. I agree! Love the nail photo & the spider web! And so true – always something to do, never enough time to savor life all around us 🙂 Good luck with the shower framing!

  2. Gorgeous photos!

    I wish I could say I was working on a house project today, but unless you include house cleaning, I’m not that lucky. 😉

  3. Clearly its been a long week – I thought the nail pictures was of a bunch of quarters balanced on individual somethings…

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I'm not interested in a mediocre life. I'm here to kick ass or die.
