So Many Things Your Hands Can Do! (According to Delta Faucets and The Count)

I mentioned sometime last week that there was definitely not enough excitement going on around here, and that’s because I didn’t know I was going to all but finish the man-cave bathroom this week. That should be excitement enough for anybody. Of course, building an entire house should be enough for anybody, but I try not to hold myself to the standards of actual sane people.

And in this case, that meant flying to Indianapolis to hang out with a bunch of seriously cool people from around the Internet at Delta Faucets headquarters and sing this song. While sitting cross-legged in a circle on the floor. You didn’t know that’s what “bloggers” did in their spare time?

I didn’t want to tell Delta Faucets this and miss out on the fun time with everyone here, but I’m a child of the eighties, which means you didn’t need to bring me here… you had me with The Count.

Actually, you all know I’ve been having fits about picking the kitchen cabinets (or if you didn’t know, let me tell you… I’ve been having fits about picking out the kitchen cabinets) and when Delta Faucets asked me to come check out some of their stuff it was kind of like the heavens opened up and shined a single ray of light on me while a chorus of angels sang “hallelujah” in the background. Because the only thing holding the plumbers up at the moment is my lack of having a comprehensive list of all the fixtures I’d like to use in the house.

So, I’m fully expecting to have some fun kitchen/bath fixture info to share with you this week. I’m also fully expecting I’ll have a story to share about how I made a complete ass out of myself by 1.) swearing inappropriately, 2.) tripping and falling in front of much more well-respected bloggers, or 3.) somehow managed to cut my finger off with a sink faucet and prove the entire Internet right in believing that girls should not do home improvement and/or plumbing.

Yeah. I know you’re on the edge of your seats for that one. To hold you off until that happy moment I’ll tell you this:  I don’t often talk to people about “this thing I do on the internet” — sometimes I talk to MysteryMan about it, and his eyes kind of glaze over and he says things like “rss-what?” because this is the dude that doesn’t even have a facebook account. My grandmothers have facebook accounts. ) Anyway, put me in a room of people who talk about tools and/or remodeling in magazines or on the Internet, and I’m telling you, I could do this for days. It’s amazing to me how much consideration many of these people put into their websites — I realize I’m slightly out of my element when the biggest question I ask myself about this website is “have I had too many beers tonight to write a coherent post?” (The answer is almost always no by the way, no matter how many beers were involved.)

As always people, don’t drink and DIY, even if it’s just on the internet.

Here are some of the sites of the awesome people I’m hanging out with:

K+BB Online

Persephone Irene Design

Kitchen & Bath Sustainable

Housing Zone

CFT411 – Joesph from CFT411 wrote a great post about all of us that you should check out here. He also gave me a great resource for my new cabinet-building venture, but that’s another post for another time.

One Project Closer

Supply House Times

Apartment Therapy – Shelley from AT also writes for Curbly, one of my favorite new community sites.

Ask The Builder

The Remodeling Guy

Charles & Hudson – Slightly unrelated side note. I was determined going in to this to ask Timothy from C&H where the name of his site came from– which I suspect everyone on the planet aside from me knew were street names. So, mystery solved, everyone. Rest easy.

Can’t wait to have more conversations with these folks– which just means more opportunities to reveal my general ignorance. Awesome.

Follow the fun real-time on Twitter at #DeltaEC.

3 Responses

  1. Holy micro pigs Kitwoman, I didn’t know you all were going to be here. *waves from the west side of town* Remodeling Guy must be feeling right at home with all our heat & humidity.

    Thanks for the info on Charles & Hudson and no, you were not the only one who didn’t know that.

  2. Wow, lucky you! I don’t get invited to anything. Stupid Wisconsin, nothing happens here except Summerfest and excessive drinking. Madison and Milwaukee both made the ‘drunkest cities’ list. Why can’t it be the ‘best blogger events’ list?

  3. What a great experience.

    Say, when you go, I’ve got a question for you. I love the new touch faucet that’s featured in the video at the beginning of your post, but I always wonder why people don’t just use a low-tech solution like foot pedals for the faucet. You know the kind they have in hospitals for surgeons and stuff.

    I’d love to see a post with the answer when you come back 🙂

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