Future Mantle & Table Top
When we were in Texas this time last year, we made one of the greatest finds for the new house to date, which was promptly
When we were in Texas this time last year, we made one of the greatest finds for the new house to date, which was promptly
Back when we first broke ground on this house adventure and people would ask when we were going to be done, I’d casually wave a
I haven’t had a ton of success with my previous gardening attempts, despite the fact that I come from a long line of women who
Cheryl made a good point yesterday that I gave you a look at the house progress, but haven’t shown much of the donkey pasture. I
I’m shocked and appalled at the lack of interior “before” pictures that I have, but this is shot-for-shot as close as I can get to
Among other things I spent a little time working on the master bath vanity today. With two sinks this beast is supposed to be 84″
Oh, the things these jeans have seen over the last year. They read like a road map from a place where I was sane, normal,
With the bedroom floor pretty much wrapped up (except for the last row of flooring which will need to be ripped down when we’re not
This is the result of six hours of installing the bedroom floor, three inches at a time. It’s amazing what a difference some paint, window
Just shy of a year ago we essentially dug a moat around our little 900 square foot house. We thought about just letting it fill
I’m staring at five full days off from the day-job, and we kicked it off right this afternoon by starting on the bedroom floor. Actually,
So far the rustic white wood trim on these bathroom walls has been the easiest project of the house to tackle. With much less effort
I know that it’s shocking– the fact that I might start several hundred projects around the house without actually finishing any of them– but this
Those are our actual dirty socks, actually getting clean, in our actual real house. This is an epic moment in the Memorial house history, because
Among other things, the search for floor tile has now started to impact whether or not I can sleep for four hours without waking up
I'm not interested in a mediocre life. I'm here to kick ass or die.
Back in 2004 I started writing about my adventures in fixing up houses on the internet. A lot of things have changed since then, with me, with my houses, and with the internet. These days I am basically a cranky old man trapped in a slightly less old woman’s body. The internet has changed and I am staunchly refusing to change with it. You won’t find any algorithms here, or feeds, or ads, or social media. Just good old-fashioned stories about a woman drinking beer and building shit, and living an unexpected life.
(While you won’t find updates on social media, you can sign up to receive new posts via email here.)
© 2020 diy diva | kick ass or die. all rights reserved. don’t steal my shit, or i’ll hit you with my hammer.