It feels kind of like for the last month or two I’ve been waiting desperately for a train to come, and just when it appeared I realized I’ve been standing on the tracks and that damn thing is about to flatten me. Train, thy name is Spring.
Don’t get me wrong… I love every minute of it: Airing out the shop, firing up the big tools, spending time with the animals without needing six layers of long johns to keep my extremities from freezing off. But.
But I am just barely keeping my head above water.
I know this is a part of the rhythm of my life. I test my boundaries, take on more and more things, and then when the fault lines start to appear in my sanity (or, frankly, the state of my laundry) I know it’s time to pull back, rethink, rearrange.
I’ve been spending a lot of time this week just doing this…
Laying in the grass, enjoying the farm, napping under the apple tree…
And resting up so that I could be fully recharged for the next three days.
I could only manage a day and a half off work until later this month, but that gives me a solid three day weekend in which to get some shit done.
I spent my afternoon off stocking up on supplies. Made my first ever trip to Ikea and came away with two dressers that need a little work, a rug and some lights for the office, and a lingering desire to mow people down with a shopping cart. Hoping that last one starts to fade before I have to go to the grocery store.
If I get nothing else done this weekend, I’ll still consider it a success if I get the chicken coop finished and my flock moved outside.
But my list also includes:
- Doing a full clean-out of the donkey stall
- Installing my raised garden beds and gravel walkways
- Hacking my Ikea dressers and moving the small mountain range of clothes off my bedroom floor so that I don’t need climbing gear and a compass to get to my bed
- Installing new light fixtures and curtains
- Scheduling lawn maintenance and finding someone to fix the floodlight at the top of the electrical pole (alternatively, renting a bucket truck)
- Maybe actually doing laundry. Or washing a dish.
Not at all impossible in 72 hours, right? Right.
Sawdust is about to fly my friends.
3 Responses
If I accomplish 1/3 of that list in a weekend I consider myself very lucky. You’re an ambitious woman, that’s for sure.
If I got 1/3 of that accomplished in a year I would consider myself ambitious. You run on a different gear ratio than most of us, that’s for sure! Have a great weekend!
If I go to Ikea hungry or with any lack of sleep there is definite cart mowing over.
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