It’s Not Over Yet

It’s tempting to spend all of my free time these days holed up in a half-demolished bathroom, trying to piece it back together. Usually when I start a new project all I want to do is work on that project (until it’s about 95% of the way done, and then, of course, all I want to do is start a new project. I’m contrary like that.) But, while a lot of my attention is focused on all of the demo going on in my life right now, we’re still having nice weather here and there, and I’ve got the whole rest of the farm to prep for winter.

This whole “garden” thing? It’s not over yet.


As you can see, I managed to grow what could possibly be the smallest acorn squash ever.


That’s it. The sum-total of 4 squash vines I planted in spring. One, itty bitty acorn squash. I hope it tastes delicious.

Even more perplexing than my inability to grow right-sized veggies, was this…


Sitting right on top of the dirt in one of my garden beds was… a bird skull?

I filled that bed with dirt this year, which means the skull couldn’t just have been sitting around for years. And there were no other bird-bones. So… I don’t know what that means. Probably the cat is to blame for this.


This dude is to blame for a lot of things. Like ALL OF THE NAPPING.

Anyway, I cleared a few boxes for garlic planting. Something I attempted to do with the help of the chickens. I realized the flaw in this plan pretty quickly, because the Nugs are used to the things that come from my hands being edible and delicious treats. So every time I would drop a clove of garlic into a hole to plant it, one of the Nugs would immediately snatch it up like it was a prize and run away with it.


There was a lot more chicken-chasing involved in planting garlic than I would have expected. I did manage to plant a few dozen cloves though, despite all the “help.”

Also, this.


Helping me finish my wine, too. Those Nugs… always so helpful.

The other “outdoor work” I’ve been intent on checking of my list includes getting the rest of the field mowed. Since I never seem to have a solid block of daylight hours to knock it out in, I’ve been trying to mow small sections after work while the light holds…


And, sometimes, I just part the tractor, put my feet up and enjoy being outside while the sun sets. Just because I can.

7 Responses

  1. Do chickens get drunk? We had a gerbil when I was a kid that liked my dad’s Manhattans. A drunk gerbil on an excersize wheel is not a pretty sight. And they are nasty when they are hung over. grin

  2. WOW! Loved that picture of sharing wine. 😀 . I am always interested to build my own firm but could not. Actually I am not sure how to start. 🙁

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