A Girl and her Tent
Well, technically, it’s really a girl, her tent, and another 30 lbs of gear strapped to her back (while she hikes up a mountain) but
Well, technically, it’s really a girl, her tent, and another 30 lbs of gear strapped to her back (while she hikes up a mountain) but
2018 was a weird year for a lot of reasons, one of which was THERE WAS NO LIST. … I know, right? This farm has
Here’s the thing. While I like being strong, I don’t think I’ve ever walked into a day (or month, or year) and said, “You know
The only appropriate way to follow that title is this: Hell. Yes. The last weeks of 2018 were nothing short of a gift. An incredible
Okay, listen, to be fair, it’s a mostly finished window seat. And at this exact moment in time–the moment where I’m on a roll building
It turns out there are good and bad things about the Lake House in November. The bad thing is that it legitimately is too cold
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of big changes, new projects, a very cold learning curve, oh, and snow… Because why not, Michigan.
In the middle of prepping the farm for winter, traveling for work, stocking up on hay, traveling for fun, and a few unexpected life events
The last seven years of my life have been punctuated with unexpected adventures. The farm The donkeys! Almost buying a ton of farmland and then not
Oh, hey, look what we’re talking about again… the second longest running bathroom remodel in the history of houses I’ve owned. (Technically there was a
I spent the better part of last year trying to convince myself not to build a climbing wall out in my barn, and then in
It only took six years, but I think I’ve finally figured out how to manage spring on the farm without completely losing my shit, and
To be fair, I’m not sure that getting a project 90% of the way done in this house is a “miracle” by any stretch, but
There are a lot of difficult things about living in a big, old, temperamental farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, but on the upside, I
Can you guys believe that I bought this place six years ago? That’s insane. When I started blogging (and back then blogging wasn’t even really
I'm not interested in a mediocre life. I'm here to kick ass or die.
Back in 2004 I started writing about my adventures in fixing up houses on the internet. A lot of things have changed since then, with me, with my houses, and with the internet. These days I am basically a cranky old man trapped in a slightly less old woman’s body. The internet has changed and I am staunchly refusing to change with it. You won’t find any algorithms here, or feeds, or ads, or social media. Just good old-fashioned stories about a woman drinking beer and building shit, and living an unexpected life.
(While you won’t find updates on social media, you can sign up to receive new posts via email here.)
© 2020 diy diva | kick ass or die. all rights reserved. don’t steal my shit, or i’ll hit you with my hammer.