The Time Between
“Taking a break” is not a real thing for a girl who lives on a farm and has animals to feed and a tractor payment
“Taking a break” is not a real thing for a girl who lives on a farm and has animals to feed and a tractor payment
In some ways I can’t believe that summer is officially over, but in other ways… holy shit, I’m surprised I survived it at all. It’s
Guuuuuys. Holy shit, what a week. There wasn’t a spare minute in the last few days to let you know what’s been going on around
Well this week has been an epic emotional roller coaster, and it’s not even goddamn Wednesday yet. So that’s going to give me five new gray
If you’re reading within an hour or two of when it was posted, picture me like this: sweaty palms, bags under my eyes, bidding-card in
I have a long tradition on this website– and in life– of not actually finishing things in such a way that there is a beautiful
After a solid two days of repeatedly lifting fourteen-foot boards over my head I can definitively state two things: 1.) Ouch. 2.) Holy shit, this
So, here’s a thing… in two weeks there is going to be a film crew at my house, ostensibly to shoot some footage of me
There’s nothing like a week off of the day job to make a girl think life is pretty effing easy, and then a week (or
Well, so, here’s the thing. I have a whole post on farm updates that I’ve been working on for you–but it was feeling a little
Okay, so there is no hope of starting this post with some clever opening line because I just can’t wait to show you guys something…
Otherwise known as VACATION. Right? I have this week “off work” which is a bit of a misnomer when you live in a half-torn-up house
You know, I measure most days (and weeks, and months) in lists of shit that I did not get done. In projects that take longer than I thought,
Do you know what is the worst? Starting off blog posts. I’ve been doing this shit for ten years (eleven? It may be eleven years
Here’s the honest-to-god truth about living on the farm: Shit happens. A lot of time we’re talking about actual, literal shit (so many animals, you
I'm not interested in a mediocre life. I'm here to kick ass or die.
Back in 2004 I started writing about my adventures in fixing up houses on the internet. A lot of things have changed since then, with me, with my houses, and with the internet. These days I am basically a cranky old man trapped in a slightly less old woman’s body. The internet has changed and I am staunchly refusing to change with it. You won’t find any algorithms here, or feeds, or ads, or social media. Just good old-fashioned stories about a woman drinking beer and building shit, and living an unexpected life.
(While you won’t find updates on social media, you can sign up to receive new posts via email here.)
© 2020 diy diva | kick ass or die. all rights reserved. don’t steal my shit, or i’ll hit you with my hammer.