
That is the number of degrees it is in my house, without the assistance of the kerosene heater. Seriously, if I close my eyes, it’s

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Walled In: Part 2

I know, I know… how many days of looking at blank wallboard can I really find exiting enough to post on the internet, and here’s

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Walled In: Part 1

The title says it all, does it not? This is the “finished” side of the house. I can now say I have a bedroom. Actual

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Hanging Over My Head

You’ve never seen someone this excited to not have walls, and it’s only because I’ve got ceilings! In the bedrooms… The bathrooms… In the kitchen…

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On the list of things that terrify me, having a crane full of drywall extending from the driveway past my wood doors into the house

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Master of My Domain

I’ve got one day of being up to my knuckles in joint compound left before the main living space in the Station is done. (That

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This post is a lesson in “be very careful what you wish for.” For example, if you frequently write posts in your blog about DIY projects

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That girl can drywall…

… but not without a lot of swearing. Just like gravity is a law of Physics, the fact that one project will always lead to

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I'm not interested in a mediocre life. I'm here to kick ass or die.
