I know that everyone has been waiting on the edge of their seats to watch a badly shot, fifteen minute iPhone video of me rambling on (with my awesome Midwestern accent) behind the camera as I give you the grand tour of the Liberty House. And let me tell you something… this evening I came thisclose to not having the heart to show you this thing because a serious bank fuckup–sorry mom, but there’s no other word–came to light today that at best should have cost me another $2000, and at worst could have cost me the entire house.
Right? And that 3AM champagne hangover would have been for nothing.
Here’s the good news: I just ate what I am pretty sure is the best grilled cheese ever invented– thanks to Chris at Zingerman’s Roadhouse, who not only suggested a to-die-for cheese combination, but who also apparently has a gift for making glasses of chocolate awesomeness magically appear at the exact right moment in a person’s life. For me that moment was about fifteen minutes ago, and I now feel fortified with enough cheese and sugar to get on with things.
Also, the issues with the house have been mostly resolved, although the bank and appraiser have now tortured me to the point that I can’t stop ducking and looking behind me every once in a while as if someone might come up and try to snatch the house away from me again. I think we’re safe now, but if not, I do own a shotgun.
And really, if we’re going to close out the last week of the Liberty House drama, we might as well do it with a video that includes:
- An appearance of what may or my not be the Liberty House ghost
- Me, losing my shit, on said ghost
- At least one reason while I’ll never be a weather man
- A really bad rendition of the Psycho shower scene
- Proof that there are some levels of disgusting (dealing with toilets on carpet) that can only be articulated with sounds that mimic a dying cow
Really, guys. You don’t want to miss this:
(Also, even though I do it on camera I’ll apologize again for my really horrible camera skills, the jumpy video editing– this video actually makes me so motion sick that I couldn’t watch it to edit better–and the low picture quality. Apparently when your house tour is as long as a sitcom, you have to compress the shit out of it to put it on the internet. But you get the gist.)
For those of you who– like me– can’t watch shaky videos without losing your dinner, I’ll post a photo-tour next week.
29 Responses
When I moved into my house (built in 1887), I had the crazy knocking too! Mine moved from room to room all over the house–if it seemed to be coming from the parlor and I went in there, then the knocking moved to the dining room or some other room. One night, sitting here alone, it was so persistent and so scary that I had to leave the house for a while. The good news is that I’ve lived here a little over 5 years now and haven’t heard the knocking in quite a while. Hope your ghost gets used to you too and stops the knocking!
Wow, thanks for the great video tour, even if it did make me a touch queasy in places . . . . especially thinking about ripping out the carpet around the toilet (shudder). I would LOVE to visit and help out if I get to the Midwest. You give me hope that I can actually finish my own “project house” here in Oregon. Hope that you triumph over the bank/appraiser issues soon and can just think about the house and getting more mini-donkeys!
Yeah, you shouldn’t have issued that open invitation with the promise to put me to work. I’ve just discovered your website as I was researching another (as in hey what do you think of this DIY chick? Oh, she’s ok, but you gotta check out Kit). So I did. And you’re awesome. My husband? Not a big fan of yours. Because now I want to build my own house. I’m requesting all tools for Christmas and I already have a miter saw coming to me.
I absolutely cannot wait to go on this journey with you!
You had me at Zingerman’s Roadhouse. A Cornman Farms Burger & sweet potato fries is my standing favorite, and the greens are to die for. But enough about food.
Love the video tour, love the house, love the property. I’m excited to see all of the upcoming projects and improvements.
First off, looooove your laugh! You need to do more videos.
I’m envious of all the square footage. I can’t wait to see what you do with it all.
Thanks for the video. Would love to see the house in person someday. Dying to see what you’ll do with your master bath; SO many possibilities. I was rolling when you made “finger legs” to illustrate the view of the toilet in use!
Thanks again. Hope you find that the ghost is corporeal, so you can put IT to work!
the tour was great to get an idea of how it all fits together. photos always are always more confusing. I had my laptop hooked up to the projector, so I played your video projected up above the fireplace like we do with movies.
So the Unexpected Adventure has already made it to film! Very cool to see the inside–it’s clear you have your work cut out for you, but you’re blessed with a lot of great features. I can’t wait to see what you do with it!Oh, and just so you know: I took adhesive carpet squares out of both my bathrooms the first weekend I had possession of my house. It was easily the most disgusting thing I’ve ever encountered in my entire life. Be strong, but wear gloves, and consider burning them afterwards (shudder).
Loved the tour!
I think there’s really a lot of potential. With all these nooks you might actually consider building 3Dimensional Art.
I also think it’s somewhat appropriate that you fuond a ghost that enjoys hammering walls. Might actually keep you company while you renovate and give you helpful tips. Who knows.
Are you planning to build a pantry somewhere?
The house would make a charming B&B with all that space!!
I’m an excellent cook, If I offer to cook for you, will you invite me over if I’m ever in the area?! 🙂
Does the house have hot water radiators? If so, that may be the source of the knocking – our system sometimes makes those sounds as well. Good luck with the house – it is amazing!
Oh boy… that bathroom. Thank you for taking away my carpet/toilet gag reflex by making me laugh about pants around ankles and those little finger legs. Very funny bathroom scenes!! “Full frontal” got me too.
I would love to help you out. You are living my dream. BTW I am all the way in Ohio so no worries about me just showing up. :)Good luck w/ all the work ahead.
The knocking might be woodpeckers on that wood siding. I had them going after my old unpainted wood siding; it freaked me out until I actually saw the bird!
Oh my! I’m over here doing a little happy dance for you — it’s amazing! I giggled at the Harry Potter closet reference — I always include ours in my grand house tour.
It looks like a great house and I’m supremely jealous. An old farmhouse on 5-10 acres is my dream. There a lot of work to do there it that just gives you the opportunity to make it your own. Good luck, I look forward to seeing the updates.
A suggestion on your lovely bathroom: put your closets somewhere in or near the bathroom, so that when you’re getting dressed, you don’t have to actually come out of the bathroom. This may not really be a privacy issue, but more of a convenience issue.
So fun to see the tour in a video! Flannel Man watched the video with me and says he’ll be over with a sledgehammer LOL. That knocking is creepy. You must have critters in the walls. Start by looking for woodpecker holes in the exterior of the addition. We found woodpecker holes in the old layer of wood siding hidden under the newer vinyl siding.
great vid. can’t wait for the adventure.
Looks so great! I’m pretty jealous right now. My mind is churning with all the possibilities. And I’m thinking you’re going to need a hazmat suit when you demo that bathroom.
oh my gosh. As a city dweller I am vicariously following this whole adventure. Pee carpet and all. You’re gonna totally knock this outta the park, I know it. Oh – and congratulations!!
I spent the last 2 hours reading about just a few of your home remodeling adventures. I am so hooked now and extremely jealous of your motivation. The Liberty house project has incredible potential.
I apologize for not introducing myself last night at Zingerman’s. btw ‘Hello, my name is Ken’:-) and, yes.. I’m a very introverted Engineer, but I love working on homes, and that is probably why it was so easy talking with you at the bar. If I had only known how involved you were in diy projects, I would have totally ignored my friends last night (besides I see them every Friday anyway).
I wish you luck on this new adventure.
Thanks Ken. It’s always nice to find yourself sitting next to someone at the bar who appreciates a good helping of sawdust!
Just one word: “THANX!”
Dude, not sure what I found the most fascinating – the pink parlour glass blocks, the Psycho shower(s), or all that wallpaper you’re going to have to tear down. Great tour.
The house is so awesome though. Huge potential. I think I love the mudroom and the entry rotunda the best. Its all so incredible!
What a jewel in the rough! Loved the video and your laugh. So many possibilities I wouldn’t know where to start so the master bedroom & bath sounds like the best option and will give you a finished oasis while you demo other rooms! Wonderful, Kit, absolutely wonderful possibilities.
welcome to the next 10 years of your life. enjoy.
So excited for you! Thanks for the video tour – I didn’t detect an accent though. The views are just amazing.
I am so excited to see what you come up with. I have been feeling overwhelmed by the little amount of work we have to do on a late 70s house on 40 acres that becomes ours in May. Um – you win. 🙂 You definitely will be up to your elbows but isn’t it so much fun? Your slight accent reminds me of my mother’s watered down Iowa accent – Iowa mixed with California. It’s awesome.
Just another option for you:
I think it would be really awesome if you made the little extra room off the master bedroom (behind the closet) into a secret room. You could get rid of the door leading into the little room and make it into the wall (the one as you come up the stairs).Have a secret door in the back of the master closet…and voila! Possibly a new private reading nook or a wine cellar? Who knows but it would be fun!! If I owned this beautiful (well soon to be beautiful) home that is what I would do.
I’m floored – you are completely inspiring.
What a house – the view of it from the front yard is: Art is the best word I can think of. Gorgeous, and I wish you the best of luck with it. I see this is an old blog page, and I seldom comment on any web page, but there’s something about that house and your bravado!
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