Seen and Sawn

You might have gotten the impression that all I do lately is clean like a boss (and use my tractor to set off big explosives), but don’t worry, I’m still just as covered in sawdust as usual…


Or, in this case, dessicated raccoon shit.

Over the weekend I spent just a few hours helping my dude salvage some wood from an old barn for a couple of projects he’s working on for his new bar. And, because I risked life and limb and personal hygiene balancing precariously on barn beams while hauling around large pieces of old barn wood, in return he bought me a couple of old saws I spotted at a flea market we stopped at on the way home.


Eight bucks for the two of them. My labor comes cheap.

Months ago one of my friends sent me a link to the work of hand-lettering artist Zachary Smith, particularly these hand painted saws. For obvious reasons these made my heart go pitty-pat, and as soon as I saw the old saws at the flea market, I had to have them.

Since I also clean like a boss lately, this project has been taking up the “10” portion of my 20/10‘s.

First, I taped and spray painted the blades with a flat black paint…


Then I decided that it looked way too clean, so I removed some of the black paint with a wire brush attached to my drill. (It’s still darker and a little more rustic than the original blades.)


As I work through my 20/10’s I’ve been sketching out ideas for quotes and lettering on my ten minute breaks. Oddly, after being absent from my sketchpad for a good twenty minutes or so, I found this addition that someone added to my list…


(That man does make me laugh.)


I went with something a little less stabby.


I fully intended to paint this on with paint and a small brush, but I found the white-paint sharpie marker I used on the wall in this bathroom, and it actually worked beautifully (for being two years old and almost out of paint.)

I’ll be picking up a few more for touch-ups and my second saw… a project that will keep me going through at least a few more sessions of organizing my kitchen cabinets. And they may be ready to hang on the wall by time I’m ready to tackle my office.

10 Responses

  1. Sweet! Those paint markers *are* very cool….that Saw Saying is *very*, VERY cool!!!! I want to steal it for my avatar….but will settle for sharing it once you FB it.

    BTW the 20/10 idea has changed my present life, thank you for posting about the idea and your executions of it! I don’t follow the numbers exactly(have I ever?) or use a timer, but the idea of doing a bit of cleaning then taking a little break, rinse and repeat, has gotten me out of a seriously cluttered(that’s diplomatic) 2 year chronic depressive slump….I believed I could handle 20 minutes and so I did!

  2. So cool!!! I may have to keep my eyes open for old saws and make one for myself. The hubs and I are tackling finishing our very unfinished and creepy blood red basement. Something like this would be awesome to hang down there when we’re done as a testament to our hardwork!

  3. LOVE the addition to your sketchpad by your guy. Made me laugh a lot… then the cats looked at me funny. Sometimes they just don’t get my sense of humor.

  4. omg, you have to tuck away an “I’ll cut you bitch” SOMEWHERE on the farm


  5. Makes me want to do something with an old circular saw blade and an old clock…

  6. I think “I’ll cut you bitch” would be fantastic on the other saw!

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