Who Needs Walls?

It’s big, functional, and decorated naturally… who needs an addition? Our work here is done. Ok, perhaps not so good when it rains, but it

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DIY & Memorial House Update

I bet with all the Red Pepper deliciousness on this page you thought I forgot I owned power tools, but fear notpeople, despite the rapidly

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Gas Station History

Before I start this story, I just have to say… these things always happen to MysteryMan. When we first started dating forever ago (okay, okay,

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Memorial House Tour

Our tour of the Memorial House starts with the living room, and its Bright. Green. Carpet. (These previous owners were no where near as bad

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At First Sight

If you’re wondering what this is… it’s a picture of me, falling in love. Yes, with rusted, cracked, apparently duct-taped, windows… which happen to belong

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I'm not interested in a mediocre life. I'm here to kick ass or die.

(formerly DIYdiva.net)