Crooked Bench

That’s the story for the weekend.Friday night I got a bug up my butt about getting something done, so I decided to start on the bench that will cover the concrete ledge/foundation so that Moms and I could get in some serious laying-of-flagstone on Saturday. I dig my holes approximately where I want the posts. They aren’t going to be seen so I wasn’t real worried about level so much as I was checking the see if they were in a straight line. (I even stuck a couple of stakes in the ground and strung a line to make real sure I these 2×6’s were straight.) I missed a major step here, which I didn’t find out about for another 24 hours…

Bench posts sunk

So. I did the half-assed method of quickcrete-ing them in: Pour in dry quickcrete and let the hose sit on it for a minute. Eh. It worked.

Saturday I started building up the bench at 8am.

bench in progress

Looks straight, good and level, eh? Yes, yes, it is all of those things… but by 11 am I found my fatal mistake.

It’s not effing square to the house.

How do I forget about something like square. Complete effing brain fart, so the bench is 2″ closer to the house on one side than it is on the other. This is why I should start projects fresh in the morning and not at 7pm on a friday night.

Now I have the Crooked bench on the Crooked patio attached to the Crooked house that the girl who makes Crooked brooms built. Great.

JUMP TO PART XIII of The Pergola Saga: Every Day Is An Adventure…

3 Responses

  1. Girl —- you and your Mom rock and rock and rock!

    Can’t believe I found this site. Turning sixty in 8 mos. . Tearing up my condo and learning how to DIM one project at a time from Youtube.

    You are such an inspiration!!! Thank you for all of your posts and dogged determination. Now I’m headed off to tackle some of the same projects by your direction!

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