More Great DIY Reads

My “for your consideration” list of 2010 Bloggie Noms has been moved to its appropriate place in the More DIY Reads section of DIYdiva.

Thank you to every single one of you who clicked through to the 2010 Bloggie site. Even even half of you voted for your favorite housebloggers, we’re going to make a good showing this year!

11 Responses

  1. You’ve got my vote, I stop by every day! Also, love some of the other blogs you linked to here. I’ll have to do a little thinking about my nomination today.

  2. Hi there…

    Yeah! I’ve finally found a community with my interests! I’m so tired of being “other”…

    Anyway, thanks for the suggestions of sites to check out… I look forward to digging through your blog too…

  3. Thanks to everyone for doing your part to help Housebloggers take over the world!

    Meredith – Welcome to the club!

  4. Holy cow! Thank you so much for the mention. I think it’s the first time I have been nominated for anything. 🙂 I love your idea! Off to go add noms for you, and all the other great DIYers out there. Let’s rock this thing!

  5. Wow! Thank you so much for mentioning The Little Orchard House – I’m grinning ear-to-ear, especially since I’m girl-crushing you big time. Gals + Power Tools = Awesometown. We are but an infant blog (started in Oct 2009) hoping to blossom fully in 2010, and I get a lot of inspiration and encouragement here. Thanks again!

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