Preceded By An Ominous Crunching Sound

No, no, I did not fall off the plank and down a flight of stairs while painting the upstairs hallway ceiling. That sound you just heard must have been my entire body finally hitting a wall of exhaustion, face first.

This isn’t a surprise. Every Saturday and Sunday that I’ve been up before 6 AM climbing around on the roof, or painting the outside of the house, or some other such house-related nonsense that any sane person who got 4 hours of sleep wouldn’t be doing at that hour, I knew that I was working on borrowed time. That the big old wave of adrenaline I was riding on would crest, break, and eventually I’d be staring at the blinking cursor on my computer screen, unable to come up with the right words to explain what the hell is going on in this picture…


Actually, wait. Nevermind. There really are no words.

Suffice it to say, I’m still working on stuff around the house, I’m just not doing it efficiently, or particularly effectively. And I’m suffering from a little bit of writers suck. It’s not quite writers block, cause I can still get the words out, it’s just, uh, well… suck. So I’m not going to subject you guys to 700 unentertaining words on why I painted the least important room in the house this weekend (downstairs hallway) and why I don’t have pictures of it to share (couldn’t get my act together enough to take pics before dark.)

If you want to see pictures of something, however, some of my shots from last weeks Photo Treasure Hunt are on DIYlife.

And listen, I’m not complaining about the lack of energy or general disorganization around my life right now because I had a really good run of progress. I just think it’s important to tell you guys the authentic story– that, yes, sometimes I get an amazing amount of stuff done, and sometimes I’m a complete wreck.

The good news is, I’m getting a garage door installed on the future workshop tomorrow, which means I can finally move some of the big tools out there without the fear of some 65-pound raccoon running off with them (this is the country, you don’t eff around with the wildlife). Getting some of the tools and sawdust out of the house is going to help with some of my organization issues right now, I’m sure.

Also, I’ve come to the realization that painting– specifically painting trim– is just not an energizing activity for me. I like building things. I do not like painting the same piece of wood five times. So I’ve also put a call into a couple of local painters to give me quotes on 1.) finishing up the trim work downstairs, and 2.) painting cabinets and wood paneling in the kitchen.

For reference, here’s what that entails:


I already got one quote on the kitchen, and, I’ll tell you what… you deserve something for making it this far through through a post full of nothing but rambling nonsense, so let’s play a little DIY version of the Price is Right. I’m going to give away a $50 Lowe’s gift card to the person that guesses closest to the dollar amount to the first quote I got on painting the kitchen (all the wood walls, trim, and cabinets) without going over.

Yup. I just decided that right now. Lowe’s isn’t sponsoring this post, I just feel like contributing to somebody elses tool fund this week. One comment per person please, and I’m probably going to pick the winner Wednesday night if I’m not in bed before the sun goes down, so get your guess in before then. (Also, friends and family who I’ve already told about the quote, you can’t play this game, but since I love you all I’ll buy you a beer next time we’re out.)

Okay, awkward picture of me carrying a cabinet around in my pajamas? Check. Lack-of-progress update? Check. Spur-of-the-moment giveaway? Check.

I think that’s about all I’ve got in me today guys. Happy guessing, I’m going to take a 10 hour nap.



169 Responses

  1. my guess is 1500.00. I was thinking that it must be a lot of work to write the wonderful posts you write. Maybe some of your posts can simply be one or two pictures and that is it-no writing. I think that would be interesting for us and hopefully less work for you.

  2. Hmm. My parents had cabinets done in their kitchen and I know what they paid but it was about 15 years ago. Plus no wood paneling.

    How about $2000?

  3. Wow I was way off. I had $865 in my head but here everyone is well over a grand. It’s okay, I’m in Canada anyway so I don’t think I can use a US Lowe’s gift card.

    (At first I typoed gift car. How awesome would that be, a gift car from Lowe’s?)

  4. Hi, there! Just wanted to write and tell you hang in there and make sure to get some good rest. I am a single woman who is also trying to whip an abandoned property into shape with mostly my own time and might. At age 30 I served as the GC for my own house construction, which though I wasn’t as directly involved in the build as you, took its toll with stress and exhaustion. I got myself so worn down that I lost focus of the purpose of my farm dream, and it’s taken a couple of years to get my head back in the game and learn to relax and enjoy this property instead of always working on it. Hard lesson learned–take it from a lady in a similar situation to yours who lived it. If you’re curious, here’s a 2011 recap post:

    Cautionary tale aside, just want to say thanks for your wonderful blog. It is so refreshing to follow a woman who makes what she wants, by herself on her own terms. We’re rarer than hens’ teeth! I’ll be reading and cheering you on!

  5. There are several factors to consider here. Does the quote include materials or just labor? How big is the room. Can my husband and I do it cheaper.

    That being said, my husband and I are going to split the difference and go in at 2,658.79.

    And like Bunny, I wanted to guess a $1.00. Cause I love that shit.

  6. Just gotta say that I wouldn’t paint the walls because I really wish I had them in my boring suburban drywall everywhere home. But that’s me and I am far from the last word on decorating! Part of what I love about your blog is your choices and vision that open my eyes to things I never would have thought of.

    I’m guessing that the cabinets add a lot to the bid, so…$3200?

  7. Sounds like you could use a bit of a vacation from DIYing for a week or so.

    As for my guess, I’m going to buck the trend and guess $400.

  8. $2750? We just had our cabinets done. It definitely adds up quickly depending on what all you get done. Best of luck finding someone else to do it….then they can fix anything not done well!!

  9. $1250!? I could sure use a Lowes gift card! Lowes is the only home improvement store in my area and unlike you, I still have pink plastic tiles on my bathroom wall begging to be ripped out. Our deck building craze has depleted our house fund and the bathroom is on hold. So I live vicarious updates through you until I can recoup enough money to gut that pink sonofabitch.

  10. I’m going to go ahead and sayyyyyy….. $1980.

    Thank you for being authentic. I love this blog for just that reason! 🙂

  11. With all those cabinets and the ceiling, I’m going to bid high and say $4000. I’d probably bid more where I live but it sounds like you’re in a rural area so maybe it’s a bit less there.

    I just finished painting the trimwork (MINUS the kitchen cabinets) in my first floor – which includes 10 doors plus crown molding, wainscoting, etc etc. It also took about 3-5 coats since it was all stained wood like yours. I can’t completely disagree with your sentiment. Not to mention it took around 3-4 hours per coat on the divided sections I did.

    However, I am still crazy and might paint my own kitchen cabinets.. except I think I’m using a sprayer for that.

  12. Hmm- hard to say since Alaska prices are always so much higher than every where else… I’m guessing $2,175.

  13. Why you want to go and ruin perfectly good wood is beyond me, but I’ll guess $4875. Because I need a furnace filter, light bulbs, paint, more mud and other assorted goodies from Lowe’s. Probably a tool or two also. If I don’t buy the furnace filter (one of those 3 inch deep ones.)

  14. I hate for this to be my first comment / email on your blog. I have been immersed in it for the last week, since I started my drywall project. Thank you so, so much for writing it, and your spirit. It’s really inspiring.

    I guess $3,120.


  15. Just eyeballing it… I’m going with $3400. That’s a lot of wood. (please tell me you instinctively uttered “that’s what she said.”)

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I'm not interested in a mediocre life. I'm here to kick ass or die.
