DIY House Addition: How To Properly Flash & Trim Windows
There’s nothing like having a few gaping holes in the perfectly good exterior walls of your house during rainy season to make you fully appreciate
There’s nothing like having a few gaping holes in the perfectly good exterior walls of your house during rainy season to make you fully appreciate
I’d like to be writing a really witty and/or eloquent opening sentence to this monthly wrap-up, but I’m having a hard time typing through the
You know I never shy away from a tiling challenge, so I jumped in hammer first when it came to building the walk-in shower for
Foundations are fun, I agree, and not just because 1.) you get to dig a bigass hole in the ground, and 2.) my family owns
Apparently month 2 got lost somewhere in the framing, fascia, roofing, and sawdust. Time sure flies when you’re having fun working a couple of jobs
So the ink is barely dry on your building permit and you’re ready to break out the excavator and start digging? If you just read
The reality is, we’ve been working on this addition mentally and financially for over a year, and those two items cannot be overemphasized. In the
Sixty hours of sitting through contractors class and this is what I learned: No, you cannot rent an excavator and just start digging a bigass
As I find myself being slowly buried in a pile of blueprints, how-to books, torn-out magazine pages, and contractor’s licensing forms, I can’t decide if
The Story: In the last couple of weeks a few things happened in succession which made the two of us take a long hard look
The Story: We say we’ve been seriously contemplating the addition for about a year, but it’s really been a month since we’ve begun to formulate
The alternate title to this post could be “How an Angel Architect Saved our Sanity”. So here’s my first bit of advice to anyone who
I'm not interested in a mediocre life. I'm here to kick ass or die.
Back in 2004 I started writing about my adventures in fixing up houses on the internet. A lot of things have changed since then, with me, with my houses, and with the internet. These days I am basically a cranky old man trapped in a slightly less old woman’s body. The internet has changed and I am staunchly refusing to change with it. You won’t find any algorithms here, or feeds, or ads, or social media. Just good old-fashioned stories about a woman drinking beer and building shit, and living an unexpected life.
(While you won’t find updates on social media, you can sign up to receive new posts via email here.)
© 2020 diy diva | kick ass or die. all rights reserved. don’t steal my shit, or i’ll hit you with my hammer.