Well, That’s Different

After a number of years with just exposed OSB subfloor (and a couple of rugs) as the flooring in my kitchen… It now has (part of) a floor. Do not be fooled by that picture. It is still mostly this… I have

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Now THAT’S a color.

It’s hard to capture paint color at night (or ever) with a camera, so I’ll give you the with- and without-flash shots both to give a better idea of what is going in the office. Just squint your eyes a little and

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That girl can drywall…

… but not without a lot of swearing. Just like gravity is a law of Physics, the fact that one project will always lead to another is a law of DIY. Always. Which is why I was supposed to spend Saturday laying

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 In a typical week: I spend between 15-20 hours working on some project or another, unless I’ve got a major overhaul going on somewhere in the house. I read at least two books. I dream up at least 3 new projects. I do,

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Just about had my fill of stick tiles…

But that isn’t to say the progress isn’t remarkable. Before the basement was a workshop: The “I took this picture after a glass of wine” shot of the workshop area: And…. Voila! Stick-tile heaven! I’ll get a shot of the workbench etc.

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Basement Floor (aka Fun with Stick Tiles!)

For a while there I thought I may actually have lost my project-addiction, killed off by textbooks and lack of weekends. So it came as an immense relief when I dragged myself down to the basement after work today, and 20 minutes

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DIY Fridays

It seems I have finally gotten back into the swing of things. I’d been sitting around just kind of waiting for the jet lag to subside, and then to recover from the whirlwind of the holidays, and for my brain to jump

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Chinese Germs & Jet Lag

There is just something about asking your body to readjust it’s internal clock twelve hours into the future and then bombarding it with heavily polluted air, foreign cuisine, and a whole new collection of unfamiliar germs and bacteria which causes it to

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I knew there was beauty in you…

The alternate title for this post was “Master Disaster, Part XXIII” because as we all know, on Garrison Road, things always get worse before they get better.Let me just start out with this picture, because we’re all (Patti!) dying for pictures: This

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Badass Pergola COMPLETE!

Memorial weekend was one of those power weekends, even though it started out raining, and the patio stones we had meticulously cleared two weekends ago now looked like this: Mom and I thought we’d get creative with the shade fabric/curtains to try and keep the

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Whoa, Tree.

That’s usually a statement that precedes my slamming on my brakes, and occasionally the squeal of tires before the sound of metal and glass becoming one with the local flora. Tonight? Tonight it precedes something else entirely. I did things today. Worked,

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A Little Oops

I’ve only been awake for about 45 minutes today, and so far I’m not sure which part of my day has been the most fabulous: 1.)  The seven phone calls between 7:30 and 10am, 2.) Waking up to a gang full of

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Now THAT’S a color.

It’s hard to capture paint color at night (or ever) with a camera, so I’ll give you the with- and without-flash shots both to give a better idea of what is going in the office. Just squint your eyes a little and

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That girl can drywall…

… but not without a lot of swearing. Just like gravity is a law of Physics, the fact that one project will always lead to another is a law of DIY. Always. Which is why I was supposed to spend Saturday laying

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 In a typical week: I spend between 15-20 hours working on some project or another, unless I’ve got a major overhaul going on somewhere in the house. I read at least two books. I dream up at least 3 new projects. I do,

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Just about had my fill of stick tiles…

But that isn’t to say the progress isn’t remarkable. Before the basement was a workshop: The “I took this picture after a glass of wine” shot of the workshop area: And…. Voila! Stick-tile heaven! I’ll get a shot of the workbench etc.

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Basement Floor (aka Fun with Stick Tiles!)

For a while there I thought I may actually have lost my project-addiction, killed off by textbooks and lack of weekends. So it came as an immense relief when I dragged myself down to the basement after work today, and 20 minutes

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DIY Fridays

It seems I have finally gotten back into the swing of things. I’d been sitting around just kind of waiting for the jet lag to subside, and then to recover from the whirlwind of the holidays, and for my brain to jump

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Chinese Germs & Jet Lag

There is just something about asking your body to readjust it’s internal clock twelve hours into the future and then bombarding it with heavily polluted air, foreign cuisine, and a whole new collection of unfamiliar germs and bacteria which causes it to

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I knew there was beauty in you…

The alternate title for this post was “Master Disaster, Part XXIII” because as we all know, on Garrison Road, things always get worse before they get better.Let me just start out with this picture, because we’re all (Patti!) dying for pictures: This

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Badass Pergola COMPLETE!

Memorial weekend was one of those power weekends, even though it started out raining, and the patio stones we had meticulously cleared two weekends ago now looked like this: Mom and I thought we’d get creative with the shade fabric/curtains to try and keep the

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Whoa, Tree.

That’s usually a statement that precedes my slamming on my brakes, and occasionally the squeal of tires before the sound of metal and glass becoming one with the local flora. Tonight? Tonight it precedes something else entirely. I did things today. Worked,

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A Little Oops

I’ve only been awake for about 45 minutes today, and so far I’m not sure which part of my day has been the most fabulous: 1.)  The seven phone calls between 7:30 and 10am, 2.) Waking up to a gang full of

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I'm not interested in a mediocre life. I'm here to kick ass or die.

(formerly DIYdiva.net)