Coop Additions & Awesome Timing
If you haven’t noticed, those tiny little nuggets that were living in my spare bedroom just a few months ago are now full grown chickens.
If you haven’t noticed, those tiny little nuggets that were living in my spare bedroom just a few months ago are now full grown chickens.
Last spring, right before I moved into the place (and on the exact same day the roof was torn off to replace the shingles, excellent
If there was ever an inquiry regarding my sanity… Them: Please state, for the record, how long your vacuum cleaner was broken… Me: Uh. Six
For the last six months I’ve been saying that I need to figure out the right “truck situation” for the farm, but honestly, I haven’t
I live in a half-torn apart house on six acres of land that are under a constant threat of being reclaimed by the wilderness, so
Saturday morning I tried to make a “realistic list” of things I wanted to get done this weekend, which ended up being something like fifteen
I think we’re officially 3 days into Summer, which means my panic mechanism regarding projects that need to be done before it starts snowing just
Over the weekend I flew half the length of the country and back inside of 24 hours. The flying part was because my cousin was
I used to be a bit of a wanderer. Weekends away, planning vacations, considering my next big trip. Which is ironic because right now just
Saying that I’ve got a calm and understanding temper might be overstating it a bit, but I’d like to think that after a decade of
So listen, I’m still a novice chicken-raiser. Really novice. Like yesterday when we were supposed to get pummeled by storms and everyone was calling me,
If you’ve kept at least one eye on this website over the last year, you’ll know that the project I talk most about but have
In the last ten years I’ve owned two pairs of work boots. This pair of old RedWings that I literally wore until the soles split,
When I sit down to write a post for this website, I usually have a pretty good idea about what it’s going to be before
A couple of days ago, as I was leaving for work, I noticed a coyote creeping around the edge of my property. I handled this
I'm not interested in a mediocre life. I'm here to kick ass or die.
Back in 2004 I started writing about my adventures in fixing up houses on the internet. A lot of things have changed since then, with me, with my houses, and with the internet. These days I am basically a cranky old man trapped in a slightly less old woman’s body. The internet has changed and I am staunchly refusing to change with it. You won’t find any algorithms here, or feeds, or ads, or social media. Just good old-fashioned stories about a woman drinking beer and building shit, and living an unexpected life.
(While you won’t find updates on social media, you can sign up to receive new posts via email here.)
© 2020 diy diva | kick ass or die. all rights reserved. don’t steal my shit, or i’ll hit you with my hammer.